Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side



I was walking home after a late shift. It was around three or four in the morning. The streets of Seattle were mostly empty except for a few homeless people milling around. All of a sudden, a guy came out of an alleyway and asked me to help him out with his car.

I told him, “Nope,” explaining that I wasn’t mechanically inclined anyway. He persisted, but I just kept reiterating that I couldn’t help him. It was starting to get pretty uncomfortable…until the best thing happened. 

A huge homeless dude came around and got in his face, telling him that I had already said, “No,” and to leave me alone. I recognized the homeless dude as a “local” whom I’d seen around the neighborhood a bunch of times.

I gave the homeless guy a nod and continued on my way whilst he still berated the other guy. I’m not sure what his intent was, but it wouldn’t have ended well for either of us. Story credit: Reddit / FogDarts

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