Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

The Only Thing He Bought


I am at the grocery store standing in front of the French bread. I notice this strange guy standing there, staring at the food. About 40 years old, jean shorts, a little overweight, handlebar moustache, tight shirt, flip-flops. I pick up one loaf of bread and he turns to me with a strange smile.

I couldn’t deal with the creepiness so I walked away with my bread. Once I’m safe and have calmed down a bit, I change my mind on my selection and go back to the bread aisle and that dude is still standing in the same spot…just staring.

So, I put the bread back and he immediately grabs it, the one I just put down, and storms to the cash register. Pays and leaves. That is the only thing he bought. Story credit: Reddit / MrFromEurope

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