Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

We Didn’t Realize the Potential Danger


I was six and was walking down the sidewalk with my cousins. Some homeless man grabs my arm and holds me.

My cousins kept walking and didn’t realize at first. The old homeless man points to some building across the street and says to me, “your daddy’s in there.” 

My mother, brother, and I went down to the shore to spend time with my mom’s side of the family. My dad didn’t come because he wasn’t able to get off of work. I was confused. I was like, “what? My dad is not there. My dad is at home.” 

And this man held me tighter and kept repeating the same creepy thing—“your daddy’s in there.” A few minutes later my cousins realized I was missing and came back for me. They asked me what that was about and I told them.

We were all pretty young at the time and didn’t fully understand, but I think I almost got kidnapped. We didn’t tell our parents or anything because I don’t think any of us realized the potential danger I was in. It was wild. Story credit: Reddit / spiritfae

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