Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

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I was volunteering at a hot dog sale outside of a grocery store. It was Halloween so we decided to all dress up. I borrowed a doll costume from a friend that included a chunky yarn wig. Part way through the day I noticed an older man and two small children hanging around.

I assumed the kids liked our costumes. They stood out because the kids looked super creepy, vacant-eyed, like you could barely see their faces.

They were both incredibly pale and their hair was long and dark. Almost like weird little aliens. Eventually, they left.

Later in the event, the guy is back with his grown daughter. She comes straight to me and asks if I am married. I said no and she said her father would like to have me. Excuse me?

I am wearing bright, chunky yarn on my head, dressed like a children’s toy with what basically equated to clown makeup all over my face. I declined and walked away. I never got to find out exactly what “have” meant. Story credit: Reddit / buttercream73437

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