Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

There Was Nothing More We Could Do


I was at a popular beach by a lake with some girlfriends. While my friends were in the water I stayed with our things and sunbathed in a bikini. I noticed a guy who was with a group of men a couple of meters away from us pointing his phone at me.

I first thought he was just checking his phone but then I heard his phone camera click.

He did it a couple of times. I ran over to my friends and we debated what to do. Eventually a friend and I worked up the courage to confront him.

He pretended not to speak German but finally one of the guys from his group handed us his phone and we did find multiple photos of me, mostly zoomed in on my butt.

Of course, we deleted all the photos off of his phone before handing it back. We were all furious, but there was not much more we could do so we just left immediately. Story credit: Reddit / burble_10

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