Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

He Always Kept to Himself


Worked at an ad agency years ago. We had a middle-aged IT guy who was nice enough but kept to himself. If you needed help you either sent an instant message or walked back to his office. Now the entire office of this place was an open bullpen. Think typical office set-up.

But his office was in the back, around a corner and down a hallway. He was isolated. One day I walk to ask for help.

I round the corner of his office (WIDE OPEN DOOR BTW) and walk in on him leaning back watching FULL-SCREEN adult movies.

The kicker was that he had all his monitors facing the open door! Like dude, if you’re going to even try this, arrange your private viewing room to not have your monitors facing your one weak point.

He made an embarrassed weird noise and I immediately turned heel and walked back to my desk. He got let go a few months later, I have a good idea as to why. Story credit: Reddit / epatrickUA

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