Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

Be Careful Where You Hide Things


I’m a musician, and one day I was looking through a stack of tapes (yes, I’m an old musician) for a song I wrote. I was just popping them into the tape deck and listening to a few minutes before ejecting them. I put a tape in and pressed play only to hear our rhythm guitarist talking to himself on tape.

Evidently, he had been stalking some girl and was talking about driving past her house and how beautiful she was and how he wanted to be her boyfriend. It was intensely creepy. 

How did that tape ever wind up in my studio, in a cabinet with my tapes? I would think that if you’re going to make something creepy like that you would be more careful with where you leave it.

So when some other members of the band showed up for practice, I played it for them while we hung out and we all laughed and got creeped out.

He wasn’t there at the time, but I left the tape sitting out for him to see. It was gone by the end of practice. Story credit: Reddit / Thephilosopherkmh

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