Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

He Fell Through the Ceiling


A friend and I used to go urban exploring when we were in our teens—basically just exploring derelict buildings.

My friend was really into it and would take plaques and paperwork home with him, and was even a part of this online forum all about urban exploration in our area.

One day we were exploring an old manganese bronze factory. As we were walking down this hallway, we heard some strange noises coming from one of the many rooms around us. Pretty shook and not wanting to engage with anyone, we climbed through a broken window to get outside.

My friend went first, then I went second. My friend turned around to speak to me and screamed. I spun around 180° a saw a skinny, pale man with short ginger hair standing 3ft away from me. He asked us for a smoke and we declined (because we didn’t smoke).

He replied, “Thanks anyway” and climbed back inside. We didn’t find out until a couple weeks later, but that man’s body was found the following day.

He supposedly fell through the ceiling trying to strip copper from the wires along the roof. It was a deeply unsettling feeling, especially being around 13-14yrs old at the time. Story credit: Reddit / JackOBear

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