Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

The Old Guy in the Aisle


I dropped my son off at school one morning and then went to the grocery store with my infant daughter. It was so early that there were only a few other customers in the store.

There was an older man with a walker that I didn’t really pay too much attention to, except that he kept popping up in the same aisle as us.

I got out to my car and put my groceries in. Then, when I was putting my daughter in her car seat, the man came up behind me.

He asked me a question and when I turned to answer him, he did the most unimaginable thing—he shoved his walker into the back of my legs pinning me against my car inside the open door. I tried moving around but couldn’t go anywhere except forward.

He then started pushing me down to the floor of my car. I was so scared that he was going to go for my daughter, so I threw myself over her so my whole upper body was in her car seat and wedged myself in tight trying to cover as much of her as possible.

He grabbed me by the hair and was trying to pull me up when someone started honking their car horn. Another mom had been sitting in her car with her own baby asleep and had seen what was happening.

Another car pulled up behind mine and the man ran over getting in quickly, obviously never needing the walker. We called the authorities but when the officers ran the plates on the car that he left in, they found out that the car’s owner had reported it missing.

I never found out who that guy was. I’m not even sure if he was actually an old guy. Story credit: Reddit / lostmyshade

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