Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

I Should Have Paid More Attention


I was eleven when this happened. I was at the park with my cousin who was three, and being a stubborn three-year-old, he told me to just leave him be so he could play with the other kids. So, I sat out on the bench and kept a watchful eye on him.

I should have been paying more attention to who was watching me. I was reading my book and occasionally looking up to check on my cousin. Out of nowhere, some fifty-year-old man sat down next to me and started talking. I didn’t make much of it at first because he seemed harmless.

He kept asking me which kid was mine and that started to creep me out because I was obviously too young to have kids. I made it quite clear to this guy that I was uncomfortable, but he just kept talking to me. 

And then he tried it—he got really close to me and was like, “Do you want another one?” That’s when I really started to freak out. Just then, this homeless guy—who would later become a pretty good friend of mine named Marty—pulled me off the bench.

He must have seen that something wasn’t right. He said the creep was lucky that he didn’t “pop his jaw.” I’m still friends with Marty today and I’m grateful that he showed up when he did. One stranger saved me from another. Story credit: Reddit / UrDadTxtMe

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