Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

Hitchhiking Tales


I was hitchhiking home from high school (I know, I know) and got picked up by a really weird guy with stereotypical creepy thick glasses. For the record, I am a guy. It was really hot in his truck—he probably had the heat on in retrospect—as we drove along a main road.

At one point he mentions the heat and said that it was OK if I wanted to take off my shirt. I had the perfect response. I said, “No thanks” then opened the door and rolled out into traffic when the truck was coming to a light. Thank God the door handle hadn’t been removed or anything.

Bonus: I hitchhiked around a year later and the exact same guy pulled up and asked me if I wanted a ride. He didn’t recognize me and I said no, then realized at that point that he must do this kind of thing often. I never hitchhiked again after that last day. Story credit: Reddit / Skeptic1222

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