Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

She Heard Me Scream


I was taking a shower in the bathroom of my walkout basement. My three-year-old son was upstairs with my mother eating breakfast. I heard him open the door and told him, “Mommy is in the shower, you have to wait.”

The door didn’t close but he didn’t respond either, so I asked him to go back upstairs and ask grandma for whatever he needed. Instead, I saw a shadow and the outline of a hand touching the shower curtain. I got chills up my spine—I suddenly realized that there was an adult in the bathroom, not my son.

I screamed and punched through the shower curtain. I don’t think I connected, but I heard the man run out anyway. As fast as I could, I jumped out and grabbed a towel to check on my son and mom.

At the same time, my mom was coming downstairs to see if I was OK—she had heard me scream. The man never went upstairs and they didn’t even know what had happened.

The walkout basement door and window were wide open. I called 9-1-1 but they couldn’t find whoever it was who had come into my home. They did, however, find my empty wallet about a block away.

They came back to me a few weeks later to let me know that they caught a guy in the area accosting women and they think it was the same guy. I’d never been so scared in my life.

The most visceral part for me was knowing he was just standing quietly in the bathroom while I talked to him like he was my son. Honestly, I don’t know why but that creeps me out the most. Story credit: Reddit / like_big_mutts

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