Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

Always Protect Yourself


A few years ago, I was in desperate need of a job and a friend helped me get on with his company doing home health. I became a home health aide where I’d just go house to house, doing light housework and helping the client wash up.

Most of these people were out in the boonies where I couldn’t get cell service and there wasn’t another home for miles. This one client lived in such a place. He gave me weird vibes from the get-go. I showed up at his requested time, cleaned up his house, and helped him wash up.

I asked if he needed anything else before I left—that’s when he turned on me. He grabbed me quickly, pulled me to him, and said, “Yeah, you can make love to me before you go.”

This man, who supposedly was too weak to even shower himself, had a very tight grip on me and I couldn’t get away. It probably only lasted between five and ten seconds but it was terrifying.

I was alone with this man in his home, with no cell service o landline. I was thinking that he could have done whatever he wanted to me. I walk with pepper spray now. Story credit: Reddit / bluegrassmommy

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