Nope Nope Nope Nope
I applied for a job cleaning hazardous materials from demolition sites. I’ve always wanted to work in demolition, and it sounded like something I could do. Instead of calling me for an interview, they sent a generic email inviting me to an info session. My last job started with a group interview and didn’t go well.
I went to the info session and the instructor explains what the company is, the history of asbestos, yadda yadda yadda. But then he gets to the actual job description.
You were required to strip naked, shower with other people (both genders), work naked wearing nothing but a hazmat suit, there was a high risk of cancer later in life, it basically sounded like a Chernobyl cleanup crew. And it was all for barely over minimum wage.
I noped outta there as soon as they were handing out the paperwork and contracts. Story credit: Reddit / YodasChick-O-Stick