Real Life Stories of Truly Awful First Dates

Prince Charming


I met this guy at a friend’s house during a small party and really hit it off, and we agreed to go out later that week.

On the first date, he showed up to my house and rang the doorbell with a six-pack of PBR in his hand. He then told me that he needed to use my porch to smoke a cigarette or two before we left to go out, and by the way, “what do you want to do anyway?”

I sat on the patio with him while he chain smoked and suggested that we maybe just grab a drink somewhere.

He then pounded two beers, threw the empty cans on the patio, and walked back inside. I was flustered at this point, and just went with it and followed him back into my own house.

He then told me that he couldn’t drive because he rode his scooter, and I’d have to drive. When we got in my car, he kicked his shoes off and plastered his dirty feet against the inside of my windshield. I should have turned around at this point, but we went to the bar.

The bar was nothing special, and I said I was ready to go after one drink. When I got back to my house, he tried to shove his tongue down my throat, and I did the awkward face turn and got his tongue on my cheek.

He then retrieved his four remaining beers from my house and left. We never spoke again.


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