Real Life Stories of Truly Awful First Dates

Overly Attached


I’d have to say my worst date was overly attached guy. I met him in a calculus class at my university. We hit it off talking about random stuff and found out we lived relatively close to each other. We went on a couple of dates one being at the Zoo.

Mind you it’s mid July and around 90+ degrees Fahrenheit out. He insisted upon putting his arm around me after I asked him to stop because it was so grossly hot out and we were sweating. After a couple dates I decide he’s not too bad and have him over for a party with my friends.

He spends the entire party at my side including having his arms around me while I cleaned up. Deciding he’s too clingy since we just started seeing each other I call him and break up with him. He then starts yelling at me how I was just using him. Note we never did more than make out.


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