Real Life Stories of Truly Awful First Dates

Mocking the American


After months of trying to text me late-night and me laughing him off with the ‘Yeah, you can buy me dinner first” he offered to take me out for drinks. On a lark, I accepted – I was rebounding off another man and my standards were pretty low.

His friend ‘just so happened’ to be drinking at the same pub we went. They stood at the bar not ten feet from the table we were sitting at, and every time this guy drained his drink (probably about 5 minutes to empty) he’d go up to the bar and chat with his friends.

This was obnoxious enough, but on his third little chat, they were all drunk and started talking about me – my looks, my accent. I was 10 feet away and it was not loud enough to drown out their conversation.

He was so distracted complaining about this American girl that he didn’t notice me walk by him and out the door.


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