Real Life Stories of Truly Awful First Dates

Hard Pass


I took him to a baseball game, where he proceeded to pronounce loudly to anyone and everyone around us that we were an “item.” He pulled out a very large bag of peanuts with the shells and started eating them…with the shells still on.

He had pieces of shell all over his face while he kept asking my friends if they wanted any, occasionally spitting up nut particles on them, much to their horror and my extreme embarrassment.

He then tried getting into a full-on fight with me about a hypothetical situation where we would be caught on the kiss cam.

“I’m just saying, if we’re on it we gotta go HARD!!” And I was just sitting there cringing and grinding my teeth into oblivion.

He drank so much that he never really even saw the game (had to keep getting up to go to the stadium bar) and he kept asking for my ID so he could double fist his $10 Coors lights. He probably spent $100 on Coors in the first few hours. Not sure why I kept letting him use my ID, maybe it was just shock.

He chugged 2 beers on our way out and kept refusing to let me walk on a certain side of the sidewalk because “A man walks on this side, it’s his duty to a lady.”

He started insulting women as we were walking past to get to my car. I was ready to punch him in the mouth, but he was 6’7” and I just wanted to take him home and forget the night ever happened.

He drunkenly started insulting my driving while we were in post-game traffic and kept trying to open the door to get out and drive instead of me.

He insults my career, tells me I couldn’t possibly keep up with the “manly” job I have, but don’t worry babe it’s not because you’re not great, it’s just that it’s too hard for you is all I’m saying.

I finally pull up to his house and I’m white-knuckling it to the point where my hands are nearly numb. I tell him to get out and he asks me to come in.

I say absolutely not, and he lunged at me to kiss me. He like…sort of… licks? My face? And I literally shoved him out of my car onto the street and sped off.

The next day he texts me, “Hey had a great time! Would love to see you again!” I said, “Your behavior was ridiculous, please never contact me again.” And he responds, “Cool, well if you ever want to get a beer let me know!”

Hard pass. Hard. Pass.


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