Real Life Stories of Atrocious Workers Who Miraculously Didn’t Get Fired

The Invisible Woman


We have a girl who calls out for almost every single one of her shifts. When she doesn’t call out she begs everyone to take her shifts. Out of every 10 shifts she is given she only ever actually shows up for one or two.

Whenever she does show up she almost always asks to leave early anyway for any of the many excuses she has up her sleeve. She has received seven serious write-ups for her attendance/reliability. Most people are sacked after three serious write-ups. Somehow she keeps sneaking on by.

Every time she gets another one I think “Okay this will be the one” but she still somehow works here. She was actually fired once in the past for these very same patterns but for some reason they let her come back only for her to pull the same thing all over again.

Anyway, right in the middle of our busy season this most recent summer she asked for three weeks off. She was told that they would give her one week but anything more than that would be considered her resignation.

So she took the three weeks off anyway, and during that time all of her scheduled shifts were left uncovered. That’s at least 15+ no call no shows and we were always left understaffed and screwed because of it.

Yet after her little vacation she resumed working with no repercussions. Nothing was ever said about it. We’ve had to let people go for far, far less. I don’t understand it. I like her as a person and when she is here she is a great worker but that’s the problem, she’s never actually here. Story credit: Reddit / GangrenousBoobs

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