Real Life Stories of Atrocious Workers Who Miraculously Didn’t Get Fired



I had a coworker named Ron (name changed). Ron was a laid-back guy and you could tell that right away when talking with him. He was a very likable guy and to this day I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason he was able to stick around. Anyway, Ron loved to talk. Like, non-stop.

It was all or nothing for him: either he sat there quietly or he just kept on going until somebody stopped him. Well, our manager was the micromanagement type and would constantly get irritated with Ron not only for talking but for distracting the rest of us.

She would yell at any of us for talking but she always let Ron get away with it a little bit more. One day, Ron was feeling especially chatty. Cue my manager walking over. She tells us to keep it down and get back to work.

But Ron just keeps on talking. About superhero movies, Netflix docs, Michael Jordan. Basically just a bunch of stuff that had no relation to our work. Manager comes back over, tells him to be quiet again. This happened three more times before lunchtime finally rolled around.

Ron gathered his things and went to lunch. After 30 minutes, he hadn’t come back. After an hour, he still hadn’t come back. In fact, he still hadn’t come back by the time I was ready to leave. After clocking out and walking downstairs, I see Ron passed out on one of the tables in the cafeteria.

Showed up to work the next day and my manager never said a word, and everything went back to normal. I no longer work that job but just before I left, Ron had been promoted. Story credit: Reddit / Badass_moose

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