Real Life Stories That Prove That Karma is Real

Surprise Cop


It’s about 10pm at night. Myself, my sister, my now ex and my mate all decide to go for a curry. We call up the curry house (as we know it’s late) to make sure they’re ok with us coming down. The owner answers and he’s say’s it’s no problem. Great, we think.

As soon as we get there we’re greeted by the owner (we go there a lot) and we get seated. It becomes pretty obvious, very quickly however, that the guy serving us really doesn’t want to be there.

We brush it off. He then starts throwing our plates down and generally being obnoxious so we have a quiet word with the owner.

This, of course, made things worse. He proceeds to be even more rude but there’s not much we can do. We leave the restaurant and shrug the whole thing off.

As we’re driving back home, who do I see driving up behind me on the way home? You guessed it, that server.

He must’ve seen me get in my car. He pulls up beside me stopped at some traffic lights. He’s swearing and showing me a rather impressive display of hand gestures.

We ignore it, but I’ll admit he was starting to annoy me. Anyway, the lights change green, he’s speeds off like a lunatic trying to run me off the road swerving all over the shop. Sadly he failed to notice the cop car that had pulled up behind me at the lights.

I’m sure you can imagine what happens next, on go the lights and the sirens! They pull him over and book him! We glide off into the distance barely able to contain the euphoria from the instant karma. SeriouslyDave

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