Real Life Stories That Prove That Karma is Real

Not-So-Short Shortcut


I was running late for work one day and approached a light where I had to make a right turn. Normally, this isn’t a problem, but this light doesn’t have a dedicated turn lane, it was red, and there were a lot of people wanting to go straight.

There’s a convenience store on the corner here that has entrances leading from the street I was on and the street I was wanting to turn on.

I was pretty angry at this point and wanted to get going, so I cut through the parking lot in an attempt to make the turn.

Got to the other exit, realized the entire thing was blocked off for construction. First thought: “I deserved that.”

I was too ashamed to try to merge back into the traffic I had just exited, so I went into the store to get a drink instead. Permalink

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