Real Life Stories That Prove That Karma is Real

Getting Tired


Was driving home from visiting my parents last Friday and come up on this PT Cruiser with temporary tags (seriously, you BOUGHT a PT Cruiser?) just sitting in the left lane at about 70 mph. The speed limit on I-70 in Kansas now is 75, and driving in the left hand lane is illegal other than while passing (recent-ish law).

Multiple times I attempted to move past him (I was traveling at speed limit) on the right hand side, but every time I’d get just far enough ahead to think about moving into the left hand lane to pass a slower moving car in the right, this jerk off would speed up and block my chance to merge.

This happened for a good 10 miles before I said eff it, kicked it up to 80 and passed him for good. (Just as an aside, there were about 4 other cars that did the same thing I did right behind me…he’d be blocking us all).

So I get through the stretch of slow moving traffic and settle back down to 75 in the right hand lane when about 10 minutes later I notice him creeping back up on me, with another line of cars stacked up behind him. He pulls up alongside me when he suffered a blowout on one of his tires.

He actually handled it very well, just continued in his lane until he could get it onto the shoulder, but that was the end of his blocking the interstate for awhile at least, and I experience an intense feeling of schadenfreude.


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