Real Life Stories That Prove That Karma is Real

(Almost) Everyone’s a Winner


Was out for dinner with my then-fiancee (now wife) and her dad, my (now) father-in-law. He’s a bit of a jerk to her, he got divorced and re-married, loves those kids more than my wife, gives her grief over too many things, etc. etc.

So we’re at the end of dinner, father-in-law offers to pay for the meal. OK, that’s nice. My wife asks to get her leftovers boxed and she’ll take them home. He starts with “well, you’ll just leave them in the fridge, then they’ll just get thrown out, blah blah”.

I tell him “Listen, it’s not your fridge, leave her alone”. (She and I live together at this point). He gets all mad, “Don’t tell me how to raise my daughter!”

I reply “Then don’t speak to my fiancee that way!” He literally throws the bill & folder thing at me and says “FINE! YOU PAY THEN” and storms out.

OK, now everyone is upset. I am, my fiancee is saying “why did you have to start something??” etc. So I pay the bill and I’m just waiting for the receipt. Like we’re waiting 10 minutes here, what is going on?

Tensions are rising, her dad is waiting outside, just building up steam and ready to blow once we get out there.

I ask the waiter, “Can I just get our bill and go?” “Oh no sir, you have to wait for the manager”. Turns out they have a contest running where “every bill is a winner”.

Normally you’ll win a free drink, or appetizer with your next meal. Well we won the GRAND PRIZE, a trip for 4 to Florida. Whoever pays gets the prize. WELL GUESS WHAT DAD? I PAID BECAUSE YOU STORMED OUT!


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