Real Life Students Expose Their School’s Worst Moments

Badmouthing the School


During my wife’s senior year, a kid attempted to take his own life in the bathroom because the private Christian school they attended was basically super anti-LGBT and the kid was gay.

The school responded by having special times for everyone to meet with counselors and tried to cover up the fact that they caused this kid so much pain that he attempted to take his own life. That same year, one of my wife’s classmates was super sick and the school didn’t care.

The girl ended up being named valedictorian and the week before graduation she came up in front of the whole school, including a ton of parents, during an assembly and talked about how terrible the school was and badmouthed it relentlessly.

She said so many negative things about the school that the parents held a special meeting with the school board to ban her from attending her own graduation. Story credit: Reddit / croyalbird13

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