Real Life Students Expose Their School’s Worst Moments

Cold Case Scandal


Someone made a huge mess in the boys’ bathroom at my high school, and by huge mess, I mean a full-scale poo horror show. The walls, the stalls, the bowls, the sinks were all covered. We had a big assembly about it and our deputy head teacher was urging whoever knew anything to come forward.

The cleaners refused to go near it and they had to get industrial cleaners in suits to come in. The deputy head teacher would not let it go. He was a former officer of the law, so he saw it as a detective-style mystery.

He’d randomly pull people out of class to interview them, he’d lose his mind in assemblies, he just would not stop. You could see even the other teachers cringe as he was still fixating on it six months later.

We’d all laugh every single time he mentioned it, and of course the name, “the poo bandit” was born. People would accuse their friends of it for a laugh, and one time this really sweet, chunky kid got accused of being the poo bandit.

He took it well and saw the funny side to it, which gained him a lot of popularity in the end. I’m 30 now and if I ever mention the poo bandit to any single person that was in my school they instantly remember it and start laughing.

I remember one time someone said, “I am the poo bandit” in assembly, and then another person stood up and said the same, and another, and another. It was one of the funniest things I’ve ever encountered.

The deputy head teacher never did find the poo bandit. It forever remains a cold case scandal. Story credit: Reddit / kicksjoysharkness

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