Real Life Students Expose Their School’s Worst Moments

A Massive Scandal


I was in the eighth grade at the time, but the high school I would be attending the next year had a massive hazing scandal that made international news overnight. A group of junior girls trying to join the powder puffs went to play football against the seniors.

Instead of playing, they were beaten up and forced to sit in a huddle on the ground while paint and animal intestines were thrown at them. One girl even had a bucket put over her head that was then hit with baseball bats. I heard later on that she suffered permanent hearing loss.

Someone recorded it—this was before smartphones so someone had a literal camcorder—and released it to the media. The senior girls that were identified were suspended, with many of them losing college admissions.

Some of the parents were even charged when it was discovered that they had bought and supplied booze for the girls.

When I started high school, we had to endure multiple school assemblies every year about how hazing is bad, and participate in week-long seminars about being more caring and considerate of our fellow students. Story credit: Reddit / nukeyourface

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