Real Life Students Expose Their School’s Worst Moments

To Each Their Own


There was this guy in high school who was pretty shy and didn’t have too many friends. He was always trying to fit in, and was kind of a poser, but in an insecure way. I’ll call him PumpkinPie for privacy reasons.

So one day, PumpkinPie had the genius idea to impress his class and make them like him more by retrieving the exam questions from the chem/geography teacher’s school account.

He used a USB stick with a program on it that retrieves saved passwords from most browsers, like chrome, internet explorer, firefox, etc. He waited for the perfect moment to plug it in—when the teacher was taking a quick bathroom break.

The whole class saw it and he made up some excuse, I don’t remember what he said, then everyone kind of forgot about it. He checked the teacher’s school account every day for a couple of months until finally the teacher uploaded the exam questions.

PumpkinPie downloaded the exams, then—and this is where he messed up—he gave them to people in his class that he liked. Those people started talking, and eventually, people from other classes started asking PumpkinPie if he could get the answers for their class, too.

So then, the exams came around. He asked his classmates not to make it too obvious that they knew all the answers. Of course, they did. They all had way higher grades than usual. Then one day, he received a call from the school, which never happened before.

Basically they said, “Hi PumpkinPie, you need to come to the school and talk to the principal right now.” He asked why, and then his heart dropped as she said, “because it looks like you are the one behind something troublesome.”

Apparently, they saw the discrepancy in the grades and went looking in the logs of the teacher’s account access and found that it was accessed from an IP address, which PumpkinPie also logged in from.

The dumb kid didn’t even use a VPN. Then he realized how much he had messed up. You see, he had just turned 18, which meant that he would be treated as an adult should the authorities ever get involved. Anyway, he went to school and had a really hard decision to make.

Either the whole class would have to redo the exam, or he gave the names of the people he gave the exams to and only they would have to retake it. He chose the latter, and everyone hated him for it. Him and the classmates involved weren’t invited to the graduation ceremony.

The hacked teacher was also considering pressing charges for privacy violation, but somehow he managed to convince the teacher not to. Anyway, he was already insecure, and at this point, he just couldn’t look any of his classmates in the eyes anymore.

It got so bad that he ended up moving to an entirely different country. Now, he uses a dumb alias online whenever he talks about it. Something with a pumpkin in it, hence the name I chose.

I’m not sure why at this point, since it’s pretty obvious he’s talking about himself, but if it makes him feel secure, then to each their own. Story credit: Reddit / JoshYx

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