Real Life Students Expose Their School’s Worst Moments

He Surprisingly Kept His Job


Back when the Harlem Shake was a craze, we had an RE teacher who desperately enjoyed being the popular teacher, so he got in on the craze. He invited 40 pupils from my year to his classroom at lunch and filmed his own Harlem Shake video, which in itself would’ve been against safeguarding rules.

The thing is, he also taught health education. Everyone got into his cupboard before the start of the video for “props.” The video ended up essentially being a group of 14-year-old’s throwing vibrators and condoms around the room while he, of his own accord, grinded on a life-size cutout of the Pope.

He was suspended and under investigation for half a year, but surprisingly kept his job. He was a lot more professional when he returned. Story credit: Reddit / WelshDionysus

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