Real Life Students Expose Their School’s Worst Moments

Pure Anarchy


My high school did a block lunch, where everyone ate lunch at the same time instead of separating them into A, B, C lunches. Because our cafeteria couldn’t fit the entire student body, it was normal for kids to be eating in the hallway, on the floor, or at tables, all throughout the school.

One day during lunch, unbeknownst to the staff and student body, our AP decided to hold a lockdown drill. He got on the intercom and told everyone there was an active shooter in the cafeteria to see how kids would react had it been a real.

It turned into pure anarchy, with kids calling 9-1-1, kids running out of school and not returning to class after the drill was over, kids having anxiety attacks while hiding in classrooms, and thought to be last calls from students to parents.

It was pretty bad, especially when you take into account that this was several days after the Parkland Shooting. Story credit: Reddit / HopScotch-

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