Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

Horror Stories


For four years, I taught third-grade elementary in South Korea at the same school. For three of those years, I heard horror stories about this one kid named Randy. Randy was definitely bipolar; he would be laughing one minute and biting kids until they bled—while screaming like a mountain lion—the next.

His parents never even acknowledged it was a problem and refused to treat it for prideful reasons. I spent the two years leading up to his entrance into my class creating a sort of mythology around myself.

By using easy tricks, I would convince students that I was a dragon, and as such, could pull their spirits out through their hands and also bend metal. It got to a point where my students were telling the kids in younger grades, including Randy.

When this kid got to my class, I handed him a piece of wood covered with runes.  I told him it was a cursed item that would stick his tongue to the roof of his mouth if he behaved poorly. I didn’t hear a peep from him after that. Story credit: Reddit / _Mechaloth_

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