Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

Let the Games Begin


I taught martial arts when I was 17. Most of the students were between the ages of seven and 12, but there was this one older kid who was about 15–16. He would always use his age to harass the younger students.

Not outright, but he would always assert his dominance over them in class, instead of leading them by example. He never talked back to me or anything but would always look at me like he thought he could take me on.

In a sparring session, I tried to have him partner with a newer student and play a defensive role. I thought he could control himself better than a nine-year-old could and give the new student some confidence to fight. I was wrong, and he knocked the poor kid flat.

I ended the match and told him his next partner would be me. Let the games begin. I then told him he could fight however he wanted within the rules of an official tournament match,  despite the fact I wasn’t wearing any protective gear besides gloves.

He didn’t land a single hit and the fight ended with me hitting him in the stomach hard enough to knock the wind out of him. I talked to him after class to make sure the message got through, and it did. Story credit: Reddit / W01fTamer

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