Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

Creepy Crawlies

Wikimedia Commons / Annatsach / CC 4.0

My mother was a home economics teacher. She was in her room during breaktime when one of her students—who she didn’t dislike—came in and asked for a small container with holes in it. She found a suitable container and asked him why he wanted it. He lifted up his fist to show her.

On his fist, sitting beside his thumb, was a big, black beetle. My mom was not a big fan of creepy crawlies. She also didn’t expect the boy to have a beetle resting on his hand. She proceeded to scream in front of him, then ran across the room and shouted, “Oh God, no”!

The boy was immediately apologetic and was quite surprised to see his teacher turn into jelly in front of him. It turned out this boy had pet reptiles. In order to feed his creatures, he raised his own beetles and presumably other insects. The night before, he had lost one of the beetle larvae/pupae.

He found a beetle in his shoe at school the next morning. Apparently, the larva/pupa found its way into his shoe during the night and grew up. He wanted to take the beetle home and needed a suitable container to do so.

She directed him to the container, and he left with his beetle. After that, she refused to eat anything he made in class. Story credit: Reddit / Jonnydodger

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