Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

I Don’t Regret It


I had one kid that I had to have switched out of my class, but it took forever. He was a high-functioning autistic kid who would pretend to be lower functioning in the social department for sympathy. My school was an ESE/autism choice school, which meant half of our classes were ESE classes.

As a result, students were used to interacting with kids who had disabilities or were on the spectrum themselves, so there wasn’t much harassment unless a kid was a total jerk.

One of my female students was trying to be inclusive of this one kid. This boy began making “suggestions” to her about stuff. It was mostly harmless at first, but she became uncomfortable with his behavior and told him to stop.

Every time she would tell him no, he would escalate his behavior until he was eventually stalking her. I would not put up with that. So, I documented and reported every incident of him continually harassing her.

My supervisor was having a hard time transferring him since his mom demanded he should be in a typical class even though he was on the spectrum enough for him to be in an ESE class. While his transfer was pending, I let the girl’s friends harass him back.

I don’t regret it; the poor girl had put up with six months of his tactics because of school politics. Story credit: Reddit / DamItDinkles

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