Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

Drinks Are Prohibited


I was teaching high school in the rural South. Chewing tobacco was a significant problem where I worked. School rules and a well-known class policy of mine prohibited beverages in the classroom. I taught a lab class, so it was also a safety issue.

This kid was sitting in the back of my classroom and had a Gatorade bottle on the floor next to him. Now, I wasn’t the brightest light on the Christmas tree, but I knew they didn’t make brown Gatorade.

So, I did with his bottle what I did with any drink bottle—I unceremoniously chucked it in the trash without stopping my lecture. Drinks in the classroom would get taken away, but chewing tobacco got a referral to the office and I knew the bottle was for his chewing tobacco.

So the kid said, “That was my, uh, drink”. I told him drinks weren’t allowed in the classroom, so he asked if he could go to the bathroom. I told him, “We’ve only got ten minutes until the end of class”. He said he really needed to go.

I told him, “If you’re not feeling well I can send you to the nurse so she can figure out what’s wrong”. He said he would be fine.

The next ten minutes dragged on while he got paler and paler. He left in a hurry when class ended. Story credit: Reddit / Deradius

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