Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

C Student


I had a student who, in the middle of his choir concert, started dancing and making an idiot of himself on the risers. He almost knocked another kid off the riser. During his band portion, he just repeatedly blasted his instrument, stood up, held it over his head, and dropped it on himself.

I was amazed the band teacher didn’t just stop and end it right there. This kid was generally a goofy, lazy waste of space. He had no emotional issues, no social issues, no family problems—besides parents who enabled him—and was otherwise a C student.

He would do the bare minimum on everything and whenever he could, he would disturb other people and would make everything a joke about himself. We played the concert video in class, and all the kids in our room saw him messing around during their concert.

These kids worked so hard to be pros at what they did and this kid was up there being a jerk. They ganged up on him. They criticized him, called him names, and said they weren’t going to be his friend—all the worst things that happen to a kid in the sixth grade.

They then spent the day entirely ignoring everything to do with him. If he went to play kickball, they went to do chalk. If he went to get food from the lunch line, they all left the line to sit down. At the end of the day, the kids had to write about their day in their journals.

I gave him 15 minutes to write and then had my co-teacher take over. I took him to the office, put him on the speakerphone in the principal’s office and watched him cry as he read about his terrible day to his mom.

When his mom came to pick him up we had a team of teachers, administrators, other staff, and the students’ journals which all mentioned his poor behavior at the concert. The teachers and I all smiled while his mom cried as we read her those reflections.

Her end thought was to have him put in remedial classes and pulled from all clubs. Story credit: Reddit

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