Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

Sick Burn


My dad was subbing for a special ed class. There was a student who was late for class. School policy was to give a tardy slip. The kid argued and refused to admit he was late. He continued to argue with my dad as he handed out that day’s assignment to the point where my dad had to address the outbursts.

Finally, he had no choice but to write him up, which made the student angrier. The kid pushed my dad to lose his cool.

He said to the kid, “Do you want me to write down on the referral you are being an idiot”? The kid, to his credit, came back instantly with, “I don’t know, can you spell idiot”? My dad immediately responded, “Of course, I can spell idiot. I’m not the one in special ed”. Story credit: Reddit / kevansevans

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