Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

Settle Down, Francis


I taught middle school for seven years, and dealing with eighth-graders could be a bit trying. I had this one male student who whined about everything. Every assignment, project, and lecture involved some level of complaining from him.

He was a good-looking football jock who was just lazy when it came to academics. At some point, while he was being particularly annoying, I looked at him and said, “Settle down, Francis”.

This was not his real name but rather a line from the movie Stripes. It was immediately obvious that the name bugged the daylights out of him. From that moment forward, I used this knowledge in a devious way. I started calling him Francis on a daily basis just to irritate him, and he hated the name.

I told my wife about it, who was his math teacher at the time. Then, she started calling him Francis as well. Soon all of his peers at school started addressing him by Francis.

I got such joy hearing people walking down the hall yelling out, “Hey Francis”, and seeing the irritated look on his face every time he heard the name. Story credit: Reddit / dilscallion

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