Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

Impatient Emails


I was a teaching assistant at a large public university, teaching chemistry. I reminded my students several times each semester and put in the syllabus that you could email me 24/7, but I will only respond between the hours of 7:30 AM and 10 PM.

If you email me at 10:15 PM and expect an answer on an assignment that is due the next day at 7:45 AM, tough luck. Your lack of planning is not my emergency.

Every semester I would have a handful of idiots who would throw fits and repeatedly email me after my cutoff hour as to why I wasn’t answering their emails.

So, for any email that I got after 10 PM that was snitty, the question they asked would get read out loud in the next class period—which was often after the assignment was due. It would then get answered by the rest of the class.

After a few times of hearing their classmates ask why the question was even asked, usually, the impatient students in question would get the hint. Story credit: Reddit / feykitty

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