Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

My Dark Side Came Out


In my class, I was big on rewarding positive behavior and good grades. I for sure didn’t believe in rewarding the misbehaved students just because they were good for five minutes. I used class dollars and a treasure box.

A-grades would get $20, Bs would receive $10, and anything between 75 and 79 would get $5. After a test, I would hand out the money and one day a week, I would call kids to pick something from the treasure box.

Items in the treasure box were $20. I had one student that was such a pain but would magically be an angel once he saw something he wanted from the treasure box. The kids knew I only called the quiet students who had been doing their work all day to go first.

I heard him talking about this one item he really wanted. I gotta say, my dark side came out. I purposely called him last so that item was taken. It felt good. Story credit: Reddit / laemue

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