Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

Big Mistake


In my junior year of high school, I got the science teacher that all the students hated. She had strict rules about food and drinks in her class, as well as talking/behavior rules. She allowed drinks and food to be in the classroom, but food had to be kept sealed and in your bag.

You had to step outside the classroom to consume any drinks. She also had a rule that you were not allowed to put makeup or even Chapstick on in class. This all seemed a bit crazy, but she was a chemistry/biology teacher. We worked with chemicals, molds, and bacteria in the classroom.

Tables were fully equipped lab stations that students did dissections on, and she didn’t allow anyone to mess around and endanger themselves in ANY way. One day, this girl pulled out her makeup and sat there putting powder on her face. BIG MISTAKE.

I watched as this teacher waited for her to get powder on half her face, and then she stalked over, snatched the makeup thing up, and chucked it, hard, into the trash—totally destroying it. The girl pitched a royal fit, saying it was expensive.

The teacher just informed her calmly that it had been contaminated by her opening it up in class, and for her own safety, it had to be disposed of. The girl kept complaining and disrupting the class, so she was sent out and got detention. Story credit: Reddit / TinyCatCrafts

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