Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

He Had It Coming


I was a young teacher at the time. It was a Friday afternoon, and I was doing reading outside with my class. While we were quietly reading away, this kid—a huge brute—came up behind me and flicked my ear pretty hard. I let it slide. Then, about a minute later, he did it again, and I just lost it. 

I sprang up, seeing red, as he scampered off, clearly thinking it was a game. I followed him as other helpful students pointed me in the right direction. I found him hiding out in the boys’ bathroom. He was still cackling.

As I entered, he tried to sidestep me and escape, but I caught him perfectly by his shirt and power slammed him to the ground. It wasn’t hard enough to injure him but enough to scare the wits out of him. He was squealing like a pig.

Seeing him lying there mewling brought me back to my senses. I didn’t say another word. I just stood over him menacingly, then left. Afterward, I freaked out at my actions because I’m usually a very passive person, but that day I had just had enough.

I was paranoid for a while that the kid’s dad—who was also a thug—was going to come to have it out. He never did and I’ve never done anything comparable since, but he had it coming. Story credit: Reddit / Platanimus69

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