Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

I Never Had Another Problem With Him


I was a self-defense instructor. I was running a class on defense versus knives. Each student was paired up with a partner, and they had to evade/block the wielder for two minutes. I jokingly said, “Anyone who makes it two minutes gets to teach the next class”!

The drill went on, and at the end, I asked if anyone didn’t get cut at all. One younger guy—around 18 or 19—who was a kind of problem student raised his hand. This was a kid who always questioned everything. He was nice enough but kind of a jerk.

His partner for the drill was an older guy who was slower. This kid was in good shape, so I could see where he might have been fast enough. I took the rubber blade and said, “Okay, let’s see”.

When he was ready, I came at him, and it took all of three seconds before I slashed him across the midsection. I handed him back the prop and said something like, “Not bad, but have your partner speed it up next time”.

I turned around and heard him say, “I bet you can’t do better”. I turned back, and he rushed me, which was pretty disrespectful. I blocked and, on pure instinct, full force punched him in the neck. He dropped, coughing. Since they weren’t actively working, my entire class saw this.

I felt terrible, but most of my students started clapping. I helped him up and whispered, “Don’t EVER pull that garbage again”. He nodded and seemed embarrassed. I never had another problem with him. Story credit: Reddit / SoberApok

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