Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

I Don’t Have to Deal With Her Anymore


I worked at a nursery school and had this one child who irritated me. She was a big kid for a three-year-old and also tall. If she didn’t get her own way, she would throw a tantrum and go stiff like a wooden pole when you tried to move her.

One day, it was rainy outside, and it was time for the children to come inside for lunch. She wouldn’t come in, so I told her I was going to take her toy cat away. As soon as I said that, she took off her shoes and purposely made loads of runny snot come out of her nose.

She laid on the floor real stiff—and she was heavy—so it was hard to pick her up. She annoyed me so much that I hid her toy cat from her. None of the staff could find it. She could only fall asleep if she had that thing. She threw a tantrum for the rest of the day because she didn’t have it.

Luckily, I didn’t have to deal with her anymore by then. Story credit: Reddit / Katahawk

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