Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

Can I Borrow a Pen?


I had a student take my pen once. The kids at my grade level didn’t use pens yet, and the pen was the exact same brand, style, and color that I always used. The kid said that he “found it in the hallway”. He knew that I couldn’t prove that he took it, so I just ignored him and went on with the lesson.

After about 10–15 minutes, I heard a shout from him. He had been chewing on the pen and it leaked all into his mouth. He then tried to wipe it out using his brand new shirt. The shirt got completely ruined. I couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.

His sister, who was a year younger than him, couldn’t wait to tell me the next day that the boy got his rear end torn up for ruining his new shirt. For the next month or so, whenever he didn’t have a pencil, I would offer to let him use one of my pens.

He never took me up on the offer. Story credit: Reddit / Honkey_McCracker

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