Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

He Lost It


My dad, who was a history teacher, was pretty laid back. He was popular with the students, who usually did well in his class.

Because he taught at a school that dealt with students from some of the more disadvantaged and problematic areas of the city, he was experienced with pupils being difficult and calling him names. He could take it in the classroom and would tell the pupils off in the right way. He very rarely raised his voice.

However, one weekend, my dad was entering the house when one of his pupils saw him and called out, “Hello, Sir! You wanker”! My father lost it. He marched across the street, grabbed the boy by the lapels, slammed him against the wall and said,

“You can’t call me that in school. You certainly can’t call me that in the street”. Needless to say, the boy never called him that again. Story credit: Reddit / Jonnydodger

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