Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

Parent-Teacher Conference


My friend was an art teacher and had a very problematic student. She tried to have a meeting with the parents, but they never went. The mother had seven children, was very religious, and she always said that she didn’t have any time.

She didn’t seem very worried that her child was disrupting the classes. One day, the students were making a collage, and they had to use old magazines to make a poster. My friend saw that some students were passing around a racy magazine in class and laughing about it.

So, she waited until the magazine was in the hands of this student to bust him. The kid cried, saying that it wasn’t his magazine and that it was unfair.  My friend sent a message to the mother saying, “Your son is watching inappropriate racy material in class”.

His mother went to speak with her immediately because being disruptive and a harasser is not a problem for the mother, but seeing some flesh at 14 was. Story credit: Reddit

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