Real Life Teachers Who Got Revenge on Their Ill-Mannered Students

I Guess I’m Not Welcome Here


I had a friend in elementary school who was not well-liked by the teacher. One day he was late, so my teacher took the opportunity to dump sawdust—that was used to clean vomit—all over his desk in front of the whole class. No one said a thing, and I was stumped as to why she would do that.

Then, she motioned for the class to be quiet and started the lesson for that morning. When my friend strolled in, he looked at his desk, shrugged his shoulders, and said, “Well guess I’m going back home”. He left and the teacher called the janitor to clean up the sawdust. I was in shock.

I couldn’t understand why a teacher would do that. I never had the guts to tell my friend what she did because I was too scared of the teacher. Story credit: Reddit / Miss_San

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