Real People Reveal The Biggest Secrets They Have Ever Kept 

Karma Seeker


I grew up a middle class kid. I worked 40+ hours a week all through high school, so I always had extra cash. When I went to college, however, that changed significantly. During holiday breaks, I never traveled to see family for reasons I’d rather not cover. This meant that I was left alone in a college town that was nearly empty. That’s when I committed unforgivable acts.

It started with burglarizing apartments that I could walk to. This burglary spree quickly escalated from private residences to businesses. I’ve outrun authorities on foot three or four times. I’ve outrun them in cars a few more times. I’ve had to spend hours hiding in woods waiting for them to leave before I could get outta dodge.

I know how to completely disable an alarm system in a matter of seconds; I can open sliding doors with a coat hanger; I can jimmy doors, run police scanners, etc. It’s been ten years since my last burglary. I’m married with kids now, and I’ll never tell them how I made money back in college, but at the same time, those memories will never leave me.


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