Real People Reveal The Biggest Secrets They Have Ever Kept 

Sister Act

Flickr / Jason Pier / CC 2.0

A few years ago, I was very ill and in the hospital, but my school wouldn’t give me any exemptions regarding schoolwork. I was hanging on a very loose thread and if I was to fail any classes that term, the school said I would be held back a year. My sister knew that this would absolutely devastate me, so because I could hardly lift my head and I was attached to countless drips at the time, she took it upon herself to write and submit the assignment for me.

About a month later, my teacher excitedly showed me that she had submitted “my” piece to a magazine because of how well it was written and they had chosen to publish it. My name and picture were under the article. They mentioned it at my graduation, they gave me a medal for the subject, and they even put an additional copy of the article in the school’s magazine.

The whole time, my sister just played along and still does whenever someone brings it up. She is an absolute legend and I can never thank her enough for saving my butt.


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